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Join the World AI's Partner Program

Empower, Innovate, Collaborate: Partner with Us to Drive AI Transformation and Shape the Future of Your Local District's Ecosystem.

Partners Responsibilities

  • Promote our AI Leadership programs to professionals and organizations within your local district. 

  • Organize the Quarterly District Gathering, AI Citizenship Meetups, and our annual summit.

  • Support the community of leaders and corporate members within their local district. 

  • Provide feedback for continuous improvement.

Who Should Apply?

  • Government authorities

  • Training centers

  • Consulting firms

  • Universities and academic institutions

  • Industry associations

  • VCs, incubators, and accelerators

If you align with any of the roles mentioned above and are interested in becoming a World AI partner in your district, we invite you to submit your application here:

Why Becoming Our Partner?

Steps to Become a World AI Partner

Become a World AI's Partner

Embrace the opportunity to shape the AI future. Apply today and become a pivotal World AI partner in driving innovation and growth within your local district.

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